Using Responses

To send a response from an action, returning an instance of a response class. A response class is just a class that extends Praxis::Response. Praxis comes with many common response classes ready to use, but you can add new application-specific responses by extending Praxis::Response.

See Returning a Response from the Controllers section to read about other ways to handle responses from controllers.

Response Body

Many responses have a body: some useful content that is sent back to the user agent. Provide a body by calling the body= writer of your response. If your response has a body, then you should also set its content_type= so the user agent will know how to handle your data.

If you provide a String response body, Praxis will respond verbatim with the body and content-type header you have provided. If you provide structured data – a Hash or an Array – Praxis will analyze your response’s content_type and encode your data using a suitable handler (or JSON if no specific handler seems appropriate). See Handlers to learn how to customize encoding.

response.content_type = 'application/vnd.acme.greeting'
response.body = {hi: 'mom'}

# The user agent will receive a response like so:
#   Content-Type: application/vnd.acme.greeting+json
#   {"hi":"mom"}

Response encoding is performed by the encode! method of the Response base class; custom responses may alter or supplant this behavior.

Creating Custom Response Classes

To create a custom response class:

  • create a class that extends Praxis::Response
  • set the response name. This links your class to a response definition, the API design object.
  • optionally set the class-level status value. If you don’t do it here, you will need to set it in an initializer

A Response class may define the following methods, which will be invoked before sending the request to the client:

executes any business logic that needs to be done to complete the response data.
constructs the format of the response object. For example, it could transform the body object into a hash with appropriate attributes. The default format! behavior is to not modify the body.
encodes the formatted contents of the request. For example, it could look at some aspect of the request to figure out how to encode the response.

Here is an example of a response class:

# As specified in RFC 2324 (seriously; look it up!)
class ImATeapot < Praxis::Response
  self.response_name = :tea_pot
  self.status = 418

  def handle
    # any custom logic that might required (or nothing if the initialization defaults are enough)
    headers['X-TeaPot'] = 'MadeInJapan'

Note: Each of the response classes you create in the runtime part of your application will need a corresponding response template defined in the design area that shares the same name. Make sure you use the register_response DSL that the ApiDefinition class provides. In this case, we would need to register a template named :tea_pot, which must match a status code of 418 and a ‘X-TeaPot’ header of value ‘MadeInJapan’. See Response Definitions for more information on how to do that. If you don’t register a template for each of your classes, you will not be able to refer to them in your response stanzas of your actions in your ResourceDefinitions.

Using Custom Response in Your Controller

When instantiating a new instance of your Praxis::Response derived class, you can pass along named parameters for status, headers, and body. For example:

class HelloWorld
  def index(**params)
    self.response = 201, body: 'my new content')

For more information on returning responses from controllers, see Returning a Response in the controllers section.

Generating Multipart Responses

Praxis also provodes support for generating multipart responses. In particular, Praxis provides:

  • an add_parts accessor in Praxis::Response to add parts to be returned in a response.
  • a parts accessor in Praxis::Response to list the parts contained in a response.
  • a Praxis::MultipartPart class to represent and format individual parts

The following multipart response contains two parts named ‘part1’ and ‘part2’. Both use the ‘text/plain’ Content-Type:

response =, media_type: 'multipart/form-data')
plain_headers = {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}

part1 ="this is part 1", plain_headers)
response.add_part("part1", part1)

part2 ="this is part 2", plain_headers)
response.add_part("part2", part2)

You may want to return a corresponding response part for every received part of a multipart request. The following bulk_create action returns a multipart response with an individual “created” part for every request part it receives. For a multipart request, the payload method returns a Praxis::Multipart type which supports the .each method to loop over the individual parts.

def bulk_create
  self.response = #defauling to status:200 and 'multipart/form-data'

  request.payload.each do |part_name, part|
    headers = {
      'Status' => '201',
      'Location' => "/resource/#{part_name}"
    part_body = nil # 201, has no body
    part =, headers)

    response.add_part(part_name, part)
