
Uncaught Exceptions

Handling of uncaught exceptions is done by the error handler registered with Application#error_handler. All applications are pre-configured to use a simple handler that wraps any exception in an InternalServerError response.

This behavior may be customized by registering an error handler with the application like this:

Praxis::Application.configure do |application|
  application.error_handler =

The error handler must implement a handle!(request, error) method, where request is the current Request instance being processed, and error is the exception in question. The return value is sent back to the client.

Formatting Validation Responses

Any validation errors encountered in the flow of the request will be processed by the registered validation_handler in the Application. All applications are pre-configured to use a handler that generates validation responses using the Responses::ValidationError class.

This default behavior, however, may be customized by registering your own validation handler like this:

Praxis::Application.configure do |application|
  application.validation_handler =

The validation handler must implement a handle!(summary:, request:, stage:, errors: nil, exception: nil, **opts) method where:

  • summary is a string containing a short description of the validation error
  • request is the current Request instance being processed. One can get to the action and other interesting values from it.
  • stage is a symbol denoting where in the request flow the validation error occurred. The possible received values are:
    • :params_and_headers: if it occurred validating the parameters or headers.
    • :payload: if it occurred validating the payload.
    • :response: if it occurred validating the response. This can only occur if the validate_responses configuration is enabled.
  • errors is an array of the errors as returned by the underlying type validations performed. The default types for headers, params and payload will return individual error message containing a string with the details of the encountered error. If you are using custom payload types, however, they could return different data in each of the individual error messages.
  • exception is the exception in question.

The return valid from the handle! must be a Praxis response, which will be directly returned to the client.

Rack Middleware

Praxis supports registering Rack middleware to run internally during handling with Application#middleware. The syntax is analogous to the use directive in Rack::Builder (and in fact does that internally). This is in addition to configuring middleware through standard Rack means such as a file, and is entirely optional.

The primary distinction being that the effects of middleware run through Application#middleware will be included in Stats and Notifications timings such as the “rack.request.all” notification.

For example, to use middleware named MyMiddleware you would put the following in your config/environment.rb:

Praxis::Application.configure do |application|
  application.middleware MyMiddleware