
The Praxis::Request class encapsulates all data aspects of an incoming web request. It provides a means for retrieving basic properties such as HTTP verb, path or API version information, as well as higher level curated objects such as validated headers, params and payload structures.


request.verb will return the request method, as a string. For example GET.


request.version will return the requested API version associated with the request. The value will always be a string, and if the request doesn’t carry any API version information, the string n/a will be returned.

Underneath, Praxis will use the versioning scheme specified for the application, and retrieve this value from the X-Api-Version, api_version parameter, or approriate capture from the path, as appropriate.


request.path will return the path component of the incoming request. For the example /blogs. This method currently returns the value of the PATH_INFO key in rack request environment.


You can get the coerced and validated parameters for the request using the request.params method. It is common to define params using an Attributor::Struct so the returned object will respond to method names corresponding to the parameter definition of your action. Please see Resource Definitions and Actions, for more information on params.

Remember that params only contain values that appear in either URL captures or query string parameters. No values coming from the request body would ever be exposed through the params accessor.


You can also obtain the complete set of headers for the given request using request.headers. This will collect the headers from the requested action and present them to you as a coerced and validated structure. Unlike the params object where attributes are accessible with dotted notation methods, the headers structure is presented as a hash, and therefore accessible through the “[]” notation.

Note that accessing header keys from the controller is case sensitive. Therefore, the string case used must always match the one described in your Resource Definition headers. For example, let’s assume that our API designer has defined the following action in some ResourceDefinition:

action :create do
  routing { post '' }
  headers do
    key "Authorization", String, required: true

In our controller we would need to check the headers using request.headers['Authorization']. Checking request.headers['AuThOrIzAtIoN'] wouldn’t yield any value.

Since the HTTP protocol defines headers are case insensitive, Praxis will allow loading incoming header names to the exact case that your definition describes. That means that if an HTTP client send an “AuThOrIzAtIoN” header, Praxis will happily convert it to an “Authorization” key in your request.headers hash.

Please see Resource Definitions and Actions, for more information on defining request headers in your action.

Content Type

The Content-Type header is ubiquitous and has a well-known format (it’s an Internet media type), so requests have a special reader method for accessing their content_type. The reader method returns a MediaTypeIdentifier object so you don’t need to parse the header’s value.

Refer to Media Types for more information about media type identifiers, and Handlers to learn how Praxis uses the content type to parse a request’s body into structured data.


request.payload will return any parameters that were passed through the request body. The exposed payload values will be properly coerced and validated according to your payload spec in the corresponding action definition. Much like request.params, the request.payload object is an Attributor::Struct which responds to attribute names using dotted notation.

Note to advanced users: It is possible to override the default underlying structures for params and payload (which default to Attributor::Structs), as well as headers (which defaults to Hash.of(key:String)) by providing a type rather than a simple block in the action definition. Please see examples of that in the bulk_create action of the Instances resource definition. .


Request instances also provides an action method which you can use to retrieve the full action definition object to which this request corresponds. Access to the action definition object allows a certain amount of introspection during a request.

Please see Resource Definitions and Actions, for more information on actions.

Other Low-Level Readers

There are a few low-level, read-only attributes that a request object also exposes. It is unlikely that applications will need access to them, but Praxis provides them just in case.

provides the original rack env hash
provides the parsed (but not coerced) collection of query string variables from the request